Call 01245 80 81 89

With Domici, you know what to expect

Reduced Stress

Let us organise high quality tradespeople on your behalf.

Fair Pricing

All quotes are benchmarked for value to ensure you're paying the right price.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We ensure you're completely happy before considering your work complete.

Plumbing Services

We can help with:

  • Blocked Baths/Sinks/Toilets

  • Bath Repair and Replace

  • Sink Repair and Replace

  • Toilet Repair and Replace

  • Emergency Plumber Service

  • General Plumbing

  • Fitting and Re-routing Pipes/Repairs

  • Plumbing Repairs

  • Power Flushing

  • Radiators/Valves/Thermostats

  • Shower Installation/Repair

  • Tap Installation/Repair